The Caregiver Bill of Rights

Have you heard of the Caregiver Bill of Rights? The Caregiver Bill of Rights, below, was originally crafted by Jo Horne in her 1985 book CareGiving: Helping an Aging Loved One. These essential rights of all caregivers have been around for 30+ years.

These rights, written decades ago, are even more relevant today as the demand for caregivers increases since people are living longer. We wanted to give you this list, so you can save it or print it out, and remember each day that you do have rights as a caregiver. As you read this list, ask yourself: are you actively exercising any of these rights now? Do you need to start? If so, what 2 or 3 should you start with? Take notes and share with your friends and loved ones.

The Caregiver Bill of Rights
