Nicole Swistak
Top 5 Eye Problems Resulting From UV Exposure
The Top Five Eye problems for UV exposure include Photokeratitis, Pinguecula, Pterygium, Cataracts, and Macular Degeneration.
Why Am I Seeing Floating Spots in My Vision?
Have you ever noticed floating spots when you’re looking at the sky on a bright sunny day? Or did you ever think that you saw squiggly lines on your white wall? Are there gnats constantly flying…
What is the Treatment for Cataracts?
There are ways for eye care providers to help clear vision for those with cataracts, but once it progresses and becomes denser over time surgery may need to be considered.
How Do I Know if I Have a Cataract?
A breakdown of what a cataract is, how it occurs, and whether it’s time to visit your eye care provider.